Centering is an essential step to assemble the glasses on a frame. It requires very accurate and high-quality tools. En efficient blocking is crucial to hold the glass during edging to ensure a perfect centering and a perfect axial line performance. That is why NIDEK has developed intuitive and robust centering-blocking devices to ensure a constant performance throughout the entire lifespan of the instruments. Thanks to the integration of complete and user-friendly interfaces, everybody can program all the assemblies, even the most technical ones.
All our instruments include a dual system of cameras to perform the digital acquisition of complex shapes, with drilling, cutting or Step bevels and a centering requiring no parallax at all. Depending on the models, the blocking mechanisms, whatever powered or manual, have been designed to perform a quick and reliable result.So all NIDEK centering-blocking systems propose several features. The purpose of these innovations is limiting additional handlings on the edger and so greatly increases the productivity, without compromising the result
The centering-blocking device is the more essential part to perform a perfect assembly. Use the intuitive interface to rapidly and efficiently program all the assemblies. Operators can easily access this interface whatever there are beginners or experts. The blocking arm is very strong and flexible. Thanks to its high accuracy, both absolute centering and safety are totally respected during edging.
You have a project? You want a quotation? You have questions about our products? Feel free to ask your technical sales representative.
Reliability and
NIDEK develops its top-of-the-range products to improve visual health through an approach based on strict criteria: safety, reliability, durability, continuous quality controls and certifications.
Technologies and
NIDEK meets technical challenges by keeping constantly informed of the innovations of eye imaging systems, using the expertise of professionals and the progresses of research.
Services and
NIDEK commits itself to providing services to its customers, from the installation of an activity to the authorised training of teams, and to offering long-time measurable guarantees.
Le 11 février, NIDEK SA France a eu l’honneur d’accueillir M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK,
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Le 11 février, NIDEK SA France a eu l’honneur d’accueillir M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK,
Communiqué de presse Nidek et MEDADOM renouvellent leur partenariat pour leur dispositif innovant de téléophtalmologie
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Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer la participation de NIDEK SA au SILMO 2024, le salon
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