The examination using a slit lamp or a microscope, so-called fundus, is the medical examination the most frequently practiced by ophthalmologists.
A slit lamp is the reference equipment to perform eye examination. It makes possible performing a direct and natural visualisation of eye structures, of the anterior segment at the front of the crystalline lens, of the posterior segment at the back, using treatment lenses specific to each anatomical zone. This equipment is very flexible and makes possible viewing even the zones located on the extreme periphery of the fundus.
Considering its using frequency, the slit lamp should be very user-friendly and provide a high-quality visualisation through its eyepieces et its optical unit, enabling magnification. Different accessories can be attached to the body of the slit lamp to increase its functionalities, such as colour filters, an applanation tonometer to measure the ocular tension, an additional lighting system and a digital kit to take and save pictures or a co-observation tube for the training.
Slit lamps SL-9900 and SL-9900 Zoom are used to examine the eye and the different parts of it using a top LED lighting (Haag-Streit type) and a magnification optical system.
A slit lamp is a binocular optical microscope specifically used to examine the entire eye, its anterior structures (cornea, iris and retina), its posterior structures (vitreous and retina) and its appendices.
Using different magnifications, the user can adjust the observation field depending on the elements studied. He/she can use pre-set magnification values (lens-barrel microscope) or a continually monitored magnification through a range of values (microscope Zoom).
A slit lamp is a complex equipment made with optical elements assembled in order to optimise eye and retina observation. The retina is a structure more difficult to access as it is located at the rear of the pupil. The light beam, generated by a LED lighting system, overlaps the user’s visual path using a set of reflecting mirrors, thus floodlighting the eye and its different parts. One can adjust the height, the width and the gradient depending on the targeted zone.
Applying filters directly to the slit lamp makes possible performing a different examination of eye structures. The blue filter is used to examine the anterior segment, the anerythristic filter is used to increase contrasts and visualise blood vessels and the grey, heat-resistant or yellow filters are used in contactology.
You can use examination magnifying glasses to access detailed zones with a higher precision, mainly retina for which we recommend using a high-vergence lens.
A slit lamp is a high-quality optical tool used daily. It must remain user-friendly, any time, and still be able to adapt to better suit the operator’ working conditions. haute qualité optique utilisé quotidiennement, qui reste très confortable tout en s’adaptant au mieux aux conditions d’utilisation de l’opérateur.
Long lifespan and colour temperature adapted to natural vision
Extended observation capacities: cobalt-blue filters, anerythristic filter, grey, heat-resistant and yellow filters
To save pictures and videos. Integrated to the slit lamp
Larger use and active participation to training
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Reliability and
NIDEK develops its top-of-the-range products to improve visual health through an approach based on strict criteria: safety, reliability, durability, continuous quality controls and certifications.
Technologies and
NIDEK meets technical challenges by keeping constantly informed of the innovations of eye imaging systems, using the expertise of professionals and the progresses of research.
Services and
NIDEK commits itself to providing services to its customers, from the installation of an activity to the authorised training of teams, and to offering long-time measurable guarantees.
Index Égalité Femmes-Hommes 2024 : Nidek SA progresse avec un score de 87/100 Chez Nidek
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