Photocoagulator lasers are used for photocoagulation, pan-photocoagulation, trabeculoplasty and iridotomy operations. They are designed to limit retinal disorganisation in pathologies with vascular components, and are also frequently used for proliferative diabetic retinopathies.
There are different models, depending of the type of treatment to perform, with a yellow, green or red wavelength, depending on the target, in Monospot mode (single impact) or in Multispot mode (series of impacts) depending on the zone surface area. To be used, the photocoagulator lasers should be backed by a viewing system of the fundus, and by an aiming system, to ensure a correct positioning of the impact.
Most often, the lasers fit on slit lamps (of different brands and types) but can also be paired with an operating microscope or an indirect binocular ophthalmoscope if the patient needs to lie down. Therefore, the practitioner's habits determine the characteristics of the photocoagulator laser.
The GYC-500 is a green wavelength photocoagulator laser fitted on a slit lamp and designed to photocoagulation, pan- photocoagulation, trabeculoplasty and iridotomy treatments.
The GYC-500 is a green wavelength photocoagulator laser fitted on a slit lamp and designed to photocoagulation, pan- photocoagulation, trabeculoplasty and iridotomy treatments. Two models are available, the Monospot simple YLS-500 (single impact) and the Multispot YLS-500 VIXI (laser impact grid).
Photocoagulation is a laser treatment technique of the retina. The light beam, focused on a given point, produces a targeted therapeutic burn.
The purpose is different, depending on the pathology to cure. On one hand, the treatment aims to increase retina adherence to the ocular wall in case of retina tears or detachment, and on the other hand it is used to destroy or control tissue abnormal zones, as they disrupt vision. These zones can be weakened blood vessels, that sometimes leak, we then want to coagulate, ischemic zones lacking oxygen, exudative zones presenting deposit accumulations, proliferant zones in which abnormal blood vessels or tumour zones form.
The main purpose is limiting retina disorganisation to minimise the extension of the pathology..
The intervention can be local, with a reduced treatment surface area, or global, to cover a large part of the retina. We then speak of pan-photocoagulation or pan-retinal photocoagulation. The latter often applies in case of diabetic retinopathy. This disease affects the entire retinal vascular system.
Le laser est positionné sur un système de microscope, le plus souvent une lampe à fente, qui permet d’observer le fond d’œil pour définir la zone à traiter et délivrer les impacts. Les lasers peuvent également s’adapter sur des biomicroscopes indirects ou des microscopes opératoires à utiliser sur des patients allongés.
The photocoagulation laser treatment is performed under a topical anaesthesia and using a treatment lens (selecting the magnification depends on the location and the surface area of the zone to cover). More often a slit lamp is used as observation system of the fundus. The patient remains seated during the surgery that can last up to 10 minutes. Most of pathologies treated using a photocoagulator laser have a vascular involvement.
Pictures courtesy: Hospital Lariboisière (Paris, France) and Professor Murata (Shinshu University, Japan)
Two versions are available: Monospot and Multispot, proposing different wavelengths and able to adapt to different equipment types. Please find the product perfectly matching your needs.
As soon as the zone to cover becomes important, using a Multispot laser makes surgery easier.
Producing several impact points with a single triggering reduces the surgery time, and the patient’s tiredness and pain.
The Multispot laser is more comfortable, particularly during long surgeries, such as retinal pan-photocoagulation (the sequence includes more than 1,000 impacts).
The subthreshold mode requires less power (less than the retina whitening threshold), thus allowing a less aggressive treatment, aiming to regenerate the retinal tissue rather than destroying it.
The temperature increase is controlled to stimulate retina regeneration. This mode is mainly recommended to perform treatments close to the macula, as this zone is very sensible, particularly in case of macular oedemas.
At NIDEK’s, this option is the LPM (Low Power Mode), that can be found on YLC-500 VIXI and MC-500 with yellow wavelength.
NIDEK lasers are compact, robust and easy to use. Different features make the treatment procedure easier and adapt to different users’ needs.
Lightweight and compact, NIDEK lasers require only a small space in the consultation unit.
Equidistant impacts (ESP), AutoForward mode and micromanipulator are combined to equally distribute the energy delivered to the retina.
You can customise your laser device, depending on your needs, through treatment parameters, using the preferential matrix, magnifying glasses magnification or the 3D mouse.
You have a project? You want a quotation? You have questions about our products? Feel free to ask your technical sales representative.
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Index Égalité Femmes-Hommes 2024 : Nidek SA progresse avec un score de 87/100 Chez Nidek
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