Retour sur la visite de M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK, en France
Le 11 février, NIDEK SA France a eu l’honneur d’accueillir M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK,
For 50 years, NIDEK has been recognised as a true partner, thanks to its knowledge of the different jobs in ophthalmology, orthoptics and optics. So NIDEK can develop its solutions for these jobs.
In order to make your installation easier or to adapt it to innovations, NIDEK assists you, right from the design phase, in different fields: ergonomics, engineering, CAD organisation, materials, jobs.
NIDEK designs, develops and distributes consultation units, bearing the certification Origine France Garantie, and recognised, as all other NIDEK products, for their reliability.
Our Design Office, in our production unit, located near Lyon for almost 20 years, has been designing these units. The Design Office pays close attention to technical progresses and mainly works on durable components. It keeps on developing tables to NIDEK’s mind: quality, reliability and technology are adapted to NIDEK equipments and technologies.
Whatever the activity takes place in a consulting room, in health care establishments or in a remote way, making the project a reality means going through different phases: analysis of the space, importance of automation, job and flow expertise, material, works following-up, training, optimisation of resources, etc.
Our experts, in charge of scheduling the installations, have made available and trained our technical sales representatives to the use of our CAD software.
Therefore the customers of NIDEK can have a quick 3D overview of the layout and of their future working space arranged with the equipments supplied by NIDEK.
Whatever you work in a consulting room a in a health care establishment, anticipate your installation. Feel free to contact your technical sales representative, anytime.
We implement a set of services designed to secure your installations and your activity.
Reconnu pour la fiabilité et le haut de gamme de ses produits, NIDEK SA inclut de façon systématique un ensemble de services permettant d’accompagner durablement ses clients : configuration, accompagnement, planification, installation, mise en service, formation.
Any installation performed by our teams meets different strict criteria:
Do you have questions about the progress of your installations? Please contact your preferred contact person. He/she will provide a response to you, any time.
In the field of optics and ophthalmology, we are succeeding on the French market because we have managed to ingeniously associate quality products and performing services.
Afin d’accompagner la haute technologie en santé visuelle, NIDEK SA, filiale française du groupe japonais, ne cesse de développer une offre de services orientés satisfaction clients. Cela se traduit aujourd’hui par la reconnaissance de NIDEK SA comme leader incontesté du Service Après-Vente. L’alliance franco-japonaise de la haute technologie et du SAV constitue ainsi notre force, et nous avons à cœur de conserver cette avance.
Practically: more than a third of the NIDEK SA team is dedicated to the technical department and commits itself to assisting you all along the lifespan of your equipments. Our ASS department is based upon an organisation that combines material guarantee, technical assistance, preventative or curative maintenance, on-site or remote intervention.
The consequences are:
Forecasting a situation in case of guarantee expiration: a quotation is systematically made, free of charge, prior to any repairing, stating the lead-times and the cost of the intervention.
Also, we can propose attractive and securing offers of preventative or curative maintenance contracts. A few words are enough to describe our AS: reactivity, flexibility, reliability, technical expertise and commitment to service.
Please contact your technical sales representative to have more info about our After-Sales-Service.
Reliability and
NIDEK develops its top-of-the-range products to improve visual health through an approach based on strict criteria: safety, reliability, durability, continuous quality controls and certifications.
Technologies and
NIDEK meets technical challenges by keeping constantly informed of the innovations of eye imaging systems, using the expertise of professionals and the progresses of research.
Services and
NIDEK s’engage auprès de ses clients dans un ensemble de services, de l’installation de l’activité à la formation agréée des équipes et offre des garanties à long terme sur-mesure.
Le 11 février, NIDEK SA France a eu l’honneur d’accueillir M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK,
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Le 11 février, NIDEK SA France a eu l’honneur d’accueillir M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK,
Communiqué de presse Nidek et MEDADOM renouvellent leur partenariat pour leur dispositif innovant de téléophtalmologie
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Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer la participation de NIDEK SA au SILMO 2024, le salon
© 2021 • NIDEK SA – All rights reserved
Ce site est réservé aux professionnels de santé