Mirante is a large-field multimodal-imaging platform designed to perform fundus imaging. It combines OCT and SLO technologies thus grouping routine imaging to detect and identify retinal-choroidal pathologies.
The imaging of retina is the most used and the most convenient mean to detect and track retinal-choroidal eye pathologies.
There are different systems, each one proposing its own application:
Grouping all these routine-imaging technologies in a single product means saving time and money and proposes a unique flexibility to make a diagnosis and perform the patient’s following-up.
The multimodal platform makes it possible to adapt the imaging method to the patient whatever their pathology, and to the practitioner whatever their consultation habits.
It can also be fitted with a wide-field lens that encourages fundus observation up to 163 ° in a single acquisition. The analysis will thus extend from the posterior pole to the extreme periphery of the retina. The rotational and tilting movements of the device further expand the scan area toora serrata.
Mirante is a large-field multimodal-imaging platform designed to perform fundus imaging. It combines OCT and SLO technologies thus grouping routine imaging to detect and identify retinal-choroidal pathologies.
Mirante is a large-field multimodal-imaging platform designed to perform fundus imaging. It combines OCT and SLO technologies thus grouping routine imaging to detect and identify retinal-choroidal pathologies. Using an additional lens, performing an analysis of sections of the anterior segment is also possible.
Making available all routine imaging technologies in a single product. Offering a high-performance tool to practice ophthalmology. It is a complete solution to perform the structural and vascular analysis of retina to adapt to all users’ and patients’ profiles.
Reduction of patient’s travel and training times
Minimising the consultation footprint
Performing a complete and adapted report of retina analysis
Reduction of running and maintenance costs
You have a project? You want a quotation? You have questions about our products? Feel free to ask your technical sales representative.
Reliability and
NIDEK develops its top-of-the-range products to improve visual health through an approach based on strict criteria: safety, reliability, durability, continuous quality controls and certifications.
Technologies and
NIDEK meets technical challenges by keeping constantly informed of the innovations of eye imaging systems, using the expertise of professionals and the progresses of research.
Services and
NIDEK commits itself to providing services to its customers, from the installation of an activity to the authorised training of teams, and to offering long-time measurable guarantees.
Le 11 février, NIDEK SA France a eu l’honneur d’accueillir M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK,
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Communiqué de presse Nidek et MEDADOM renouvellent leur partenariat pour leur dispositif innovant de téléophtalmologie
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Le 11 février, NIDEK SA France a eu l’honneur d’accueillir M. Ozawa, président de NIDEK,
Communiqué de presse Nidek et MEDADOM renouvellent leur partenariat pour leur dispositif innovant de téléophtalmologie
Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer la participation de NIDEK SA à la Journée Nationale de Téléophtalmologie
Nous avons le plaisir d’annoncer la participation de NIDEK SA au SILMO 2024, le salon
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